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Sheila Tank Replacement Project

Notice to Residents July 25, 2024 | Updated Schedule
Notice to Residents
November 8, 2023 | PRV Improvements
Notice to Residents
October 25, 2023 | Traffic Notice
Notice to Residents
August 30, 2023 | Notice of Construction
Notice to Residents
May 18, 2023 | PRV Improvements
Notice to Residents
April 26, 2023
Notice to Residents
 June 10, 2022 

The District's 20-Year Master Plan indicated that the Sheila Tank is currently undersized and that the capacity of this tank should be increased.  The Sheila water storage tank was built in 1955 and has a nominal capacity of 100,000 gallons.  The District has determined that the tank is no longer viable with its current capacity.  It holds inadequate fire protection storage and cannot supply peak demands. Its overall condition is unacceptable, e.g., it is seismically inadequate for earthquakes, and the tank has been removed from service. The District evaluated replacement options in 2019, and in 2020 proceeded with design of a 600,000 gallon prestressed concrete tank. The proposed project includes the replacement tank — partially buried, prestressed concrete with a capacity of 600,000 gallons — and associated valves, vault, piping, power, supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system and site improvements. View Flyer for Details

 The District has completed CEQA documentation for this project.  CEQA documentation is available to view at the link below.

Renderings of the proposed site, including views from several vantage points can be viewed below:

  • NEW Sheila Tank Render 2862
  • NEW Sheila Tank Render 2872
  • NEW Sheila Tank Render 2910
  • NEW Sheila Tank Render 2883
  • NEW Sheila Tank Render 2891
  • NEW Sheila Tank Render 2862
  • NEW Sheila Tank Render 2872
  • NEW Sheila Tank Render 2910
  • NEW Sheila Tank Render 2883
  • NEW Sheila Tank Render 2891

Project Overview


The North Coast County Water District (NCCWD) Sheila Tank has reached the end of its useful life and currently is out of service. The original Sheila Tank, constructed in 1955 of redwood, has a volume of about 100,000 gallons. Preliminary studies have identified that additional storage at this site is important to provide the area served by the Sheila Tank with adequate emergency fire protection.  The Sheila Tank Replacement Project includes construction of a new prestressed concrete replacement tank at the same site with a volume of 600,000 gallons. The tank will be buried partially to minimize the visual impact.  The project also includes improvements to the Sheila Tank site to facilitate maintenance and new connection pipelines at the end of Alvarado Ct.


The Project site is located at 1139 Sheila Lane, Pacifica, CA, within a residential neighborhood  The tank site also fronts onto Alvarado Avenue but no permanent site access is planned from that side of the site due to steep terrain.  


The existing Sheila Tank holds inadequate fire protection storage and cannot supply peak demands. Its overall condition is unacceptable, e.g., it is seismically inadequate and may not withstand an earthquake. The District selected a larger tank size to provide more reliability and resiliency for the water system.


The project is currently in design with the goal of beginning construction in Spring 2022. Construction of the Tank is estimated to last around 9 months.


Project construction will consist of the following major components:

  1. Construction of improved site access road to facilitate demolition and construction of new tank.
  2. A new permanent access road will be graded from Sheila Lane down to the tank site.
  3. Demolition of existing tank.
  4. Excavation for proposed tank, installation of buried piping and tank foundation
  5. Construction of new 600,000-gallon pre-stressed concrete tank and appurtenances. Leak testing and disinfection.
  6. Installation of new PG&E service and electrical and controls systems.
  7. Install new valve vault and piping connections.
  8. The site will be graded and paved and site security fencing will be installed.

To minimize construction impacts of the surrounding residents the District will implement the following construction practices for the duration of construction:

  • Require the contractor to arrange for offsite parking and provide a shuttle to deliver construction workers to the site, to avoid overcrowding the surrounding streets.
  • Coordination with material deliveries and concrete pours to lessen the impact of surrounding areas (i.e., concrete pours will not be done on garbage day to ensure residents garbage pickup is uninterrupted).
  • Develop trucking routes to keep construction vehicles away from nearby schools during hours of operation.

Additional Documentation

North Coast County Water District

North Coast County Water District
80 Eureka Square Suite #219
Pacifica, CA 94044

PHONE: 650-355-3462



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